Calling all spiritual growth types & those inspired by small groups! We need your help in raising funds to continue spreading spiritual growth throughout the world.
Now more than ever the world needs caring community and ways to get out of negativity and into higher states of peace and joy. Choose Joy small groups have done just that. I have personally witnessed people lifting out of loneliness, isolation, fear and grief into hope, renewed peace and joy while participating in a Choose Joy group during the pandemic.
One member sees her group as her lifeline during these very challenging times. Another participant describes groups like this:
“It’s an extra blessing to meet online together during these pandemic times. I’m glad to stay in touch spiritually with those who care about learning, growing, and sending love and understanding to each other. When I can share thoughts, and feel heard, and listen to others the same way, it’s a warm embrace around my shoulder. I’m grateful.” Tryn Rose
If you can see the value in prompting connection, peace of mind and joy in the world please join us in spreading spiritual growth by generously giving to our Jim Click Raffle!
Plus, you might win a prize! (See flyer below).
*All the proceeds from each ticket sold go directly to Arizona Spiritual Growth Foundation and a portion will be shared with Sunrise Chapel.
How to purchase a ticket:
· Sunday morning at Sunrise Chapel tickets are available for purchase by cash or check made out to Arizona Spiritual Growth Foundation
· Email Kelly Woofenden at and let me know how many tickets you want to purchase. Pay through PayPal or mail a check.
Deadline for purchasing tickets is Sunday December 5th
Drawing is December 17th
Let’s work together to bring spiritual growth and caring community to the world!
Kelly Woofenden
CEO Arizona Spiritual Growth Foundation