SRC Holy Week Announcements (04/14/22)
Good Friday Holy Supper (7pm)
“Lessons and Hymns” style service with readings from the end of the Lord’s life on earth and an opportunity to take Holy Supper.
Easter Sunrise (7am)
Join us at 7am by the altar near the Memorial Garden for short readings and message from the Easter story (as the hymns says, "very early in the morn"). Afterward, we will enjoy coffee and hot cross buns in Friendship Hall.
Easter Traditional (11am)
Accepting offerings of flowers and non-perishable food for Southern Arizona Community Food Bank.
Serving a potluck hot luncheon for Easter after church (FH). Potluck sides, so we are asking everyone who can to contribute a small dish. Be in touch with Linda Waddell: (575)-740-0140 to learn what is needed.
There will be some options for water play (in lieu of an egg hunt due to temperature), and there will be some bubbles for kids to use in the gazebo.
The hope is that kids can have something fun to do while parents sit in the shade outside. (Parents may wish to bring some play clothes for after church).
We hope you can join us for these activities, and we wish you a very Happy Easter!