Comforted (02/25/22)
In light of recent news (and given that we are concluding our series on the stages of grief) we turn now to what it means to be comforted by the Lord in times of trial.
May you find rest this week in the knowledge that even (and perhaps especially) in the “darkest nights of the soul”, when you call on the Lord…you will not be left alone. The Lord will come to you, will Love you, and you will find Divine comfort…the only lasting comfort there is.
Love and Peace,
That a person cannot comfort themselves, but that they must be comforted by another, that is, by the Lord, is evident from the root meaning of the Greek word translated in the text "shall be comforted."
This word-paraklethesontai-means "to be called for,”…to be invited to come to one's self. It is the Lord who invites us to come to Himself; and it is the one who responds to this call that will be comforted. The Lord says: "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are burdened, and I will revive you" (Matt. xi., 28). We come to the Lord when
we interiorly acknowledge Him, and resist the evils which are with us; for then we are led by the Lord, and not by ourselves, and the Lord resists and removes those evils.
The word paraklethesontai, or "shall be comforted," means also, in a derivative sense, to be animated, encouraged, aided, helped; also to be instructed, to be cheered, exhilarated, and filled with joy, gladness and rejoicing.
All these things are involved in the comfort which they that mourn receive from the Lord. During temptation [our God] animates, encourages, aids, helps, and instructs us; and when the temptation is past, and we enter into the fulness of comfort, then He cheers and exhilarates us, and fills us with joy, gladness, and rejoicing. "Blessed
are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” - Rev. Fred Waelchli (1901, edited)