Having lived in London for several years before moving here, Jess and I have been surprised by how much the transition of the Queen to the spiritual world has affected us. I was so thrilled this week to come across a 1953 New Church Life Article (the year of her coronation) by the Rev. Alan Gill
on the "Office and Function of Royalty." May it inspire each of us to consider what it really means to live a life of service to the neighbor.
Love and
“A monarch who lives according to the law which is justice, and therein sets an example to their
subjects, is a monarch indeed.” (Swedenborg, Secrets of Heaven). "The nature of subordinations in the heavens is that, just as every one loves, esteems and honors the use, so also they love, esteem and honor the person to whom that use is adjoined.
Moreover, the person is only loved, esteemed and honored in proportion as they do not ascribe the
use to themselves but to the Lord; for in the same proportion they are wise, and the uses which they perform are from good. Spiritual love, esteem and honor are nothing but love, esteem and honor for the use in a person, and so the honor of a person is derived from their use, and not vice versa" (Swedenborg, Heaven and Hell 390).
It is recorded in the
Lord's Word that in the days of Saul, David, Solomon and other kings of Israel and Judah, upon their accession to the throne "all the people shouted, and said, God save the king" (I Samuel 10:24, et al.); for these words were spiritually significative.
In the light of the Divinely revealed teachings presented, keeping in mind their meaning for us, may
we not say, "God save the queen"? And, moreover, with this teaching and this understanding of the matter, should not those of us who are loyal citizens of the British Commonwealth, subscribe to these words of the public Proclamation of Accession and, "hereby with one voice and consent of tongue and heart publish and proclaim that…Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary is now by the death of our late Sovereign of happy memory become Queen Elizabeth the Second by the grace
of God, Queen of this Realm to whom her lieges do acknowledge all faith and constant obedience with hearty and humble affection, beseeching God, by Whom kings and queens do reign, to bless the Royal Princess, Elizabeth the Second, with long and happy years to reign over us."
Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice-
God save the Queen.