To act from the delight of love is to act from freedom. You do something because it delights you, pleases you, to do it. You do something because you love to do it, want to do it; you act from freedom. All of us do that, most of the time.
The same is usually true of free choice. For the most part, we do things because we freely choose to do them; and usually there is no big deal involved in making such choices. We just go along in life, doing what we choose to do because our loves find pleasure and delight in doing them. Only rarely do we even hesitate for long in making our choices, and
even more rarely do we hesitate because we realize that there's a choice between good and evil involved in our decisions.
It's quite probable, furthermore, that in most of our daily decisions there isn't such a weighty choice. What time to go to bed, what to eat, what to wear, what to do for relaxation, what to say in serious or idle conversation, and even
how to do our daily work-oh, of course there could be a choice between good and evil involved in any one of these things….but often these are not deep spiritual issues. We just choose what we want because, for one reason or another, it pleases us to do so. We are acting from the delight of our loves; we are acting in freedom.
What of our "moments of decision" though? Usually such moments of decision, what few there are, are anything but earth-shaking, so slight as to pass almost unnoticed: Shall I have my own way, even when I know my own way is wrong? And after all, in this little thing, it really doesn't matter very much, does it? Or shall I buckle under, even in this little thing, and do what is right?
The work True Christianity (Swedenborg) speaks of "an easier kind of repentance" than the deep dive we are to do every so often (as when we prepare to take the Holy Supper). Simply put, "when anyone is giving thought to any evil, and intending it, they shall say to themselves, 'Although I am thinking about this and
intending it, I will not do it because it is a sin.'" And this is enough to initiate a person into the way to heaven.
What a lovely thought!