Easter Readings/ASGF Book Festival (02/22/23)
SRC Easter Season Readings:
The season to prepare for Easter is coming up, starting today February 22nd. Daily readings from scripture with brief reflections are a great way to prepare.
Pastor Ethan will run a small group after church each Sunday leading to Easter to reflect together on these readings and their
application to our spiritual journey. Sign up here:
Find the archive of readings you've missed here: https://archive.aweber.com/newsletter/awlist6430531
ASGF @ Tucson Festival of Books
Saturday March 4th and Sunday March 5th Choose Joy (Arizona Spiritual Growth Foundation) is coming to the Tucson Festival of Books! Our mission is to continue to spread the word about a practical spiritual approach to getting out of the basement of negativity into higher states of joy, peace and love.
We will be handing out tasks cards, selling task card decks and Joy of Spiritual Growth books to spread the word. Most importantly we will be getting people into small groups!
New this year we are featuring Introduction to Choose Joy groups. These are one-time groups that newcomers can sign up for at the booth and then attend later and get to experience the magic of small groups. Then if a newcomer attends an Introduction to Choose Joy group they will get a free Joy of Spiritual Growth book.
After the initial Intro groups, we will have 4 or 6 week groups running that people can sign up for. We would love to have people visit the booth! We are at the booth Saturday March 4th and Sunday March 5th from 9:30am to
Here is how to find us:
We are at booth 263, Located just in front of the Bear Down Gymnasium and Main Library on U of A mall (University Blvd near Cherry Street.)
parking will be the Cherry Street garage.
See the map for more details about our booth:
Looking forward to seeing you and spreading the Joy of Spiritual growth!
Any questions you can reach out to Kelly Woofenden kelly@woofenden.net (preferred) or 520-780-1363.
With Gratitude,
Kelly Woofenden