Everything in a Good Beginning (03/10/23)
This season I have been doing a lot of thinking
about the life of Jesus - what was happening in His mind and heart as the Word was being fulfilled through His life.
Although Easter is a season where we reflect mostly on the end of His earthly journey and resurrection - I've also been meditating on how that life started. How important that is to understanding everything that was to come..and how it
starts for all of us. So I was totally delighted for find this meditation on the Lord's own beginnings from the Rev. Malcolm Smith (NCL 2017).
I hope you find it as inspiring and uplifting as I did, remembering that "deep within your heart beats [that same] love and innocence of childhood." It is my prayer for you this Easter that you may get in touch with
such a Love again.
Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” And there he built an altar to the LORD, who had appeared to him. And he moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; there he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD. So Abram journeyed, going on still toward the South. (Genesis 12:1-4, 7-9)
...The land to which the Lord sent Abraham would one day become the Kingdom of Israel. What began as the simple travels of one man from a faraway country into the heart of the Holy Land would lead to momentous things in the future. What we see here is simply the
seed being planted, but a seed that would grow to become a great nation, a nation of which the Lord said it would become a blessing for all the nations of the earth. That is the reason that God called Abraham in the first place.
What can this simple beginning tell us about the mind of Jesus? Like the Kingdom of Israel, the great works that Jesus would do needed a beginning: a seed had to be planted that would grow into something greater. That seed was planted in Jesus early childhood. Just as Abraham was called to enter into the heart of what would become the earthly Kingdom of Israel,
Jesus from the very beginning was brought to the heart of His own heavenly Kingdom. That heart, the heart and soul of heaven, is childlike innocence and love. Now as with Abraham, the journey does not end there: for Abraham, many centuries would pass before his people were a great nation. And for the Lord it would take years of temptation and struggle before He could fulfill His mission. But all of it, every last bit, stemmed from that first seed planted in childhood.
As a child Jesus received deep stores of love and innocence. This took place before He could even talk or conceptualize
these things in His mind. They were simply blessings of love that would remain with Him for the rest of His life, and indeed, to eternity.
This stage of the Lord’s life was not trivial. Without these perfectly innocent and heavenly states sitting at the core of His being He never would have been able to face the onslaught of hell later in life. [The things] which would later give Him strength in temptation, even on the Cross itself, had been received in childhood innocence and stored away, hidden, until such time as it would be needed. Every loving word and parable, every miracle, every
demon cast out and every sickness made well, all flowed from the fountain of love, a fountain established in His youth. We all know the power of little children and their heavenly innocence. There was never a moment that that innocence of infancy dissipated. We don’t often think of the fact that while that innocence recedes and is hidden, it never leaves us.
We all have those same heavenly remnants left over from our childhood. Before we were born the Lord was with us in the womb. He has blessed us, as Jesus was blessed, so that now we have all the innocence and power of a child. As
does every human being you will meet. The boss who frustrates you to no end, the spouse that drives you crazy, the acquaintance you can’t stand, all were once little children that would have been beautiful to hold and love, that were beautiful and were held and were loved. None of that goes away. It is always there, part of you, making you who you are. And any time you make an effort to show true love, you are only able to do so because love was once the only thing you knew.
So what do we do with this information? Abraham heard the call of God and left his home to dwell in a new
land. Jesus felt a call from deep within His soul and left his own desires to accept the heavenly love that was welling like a fountain within Him. Can we follow the example of both Abraham and Jesus? Will you answer the call? Will you remember when times are hard that once in this life all you knew was love? That deep within your heart beats the love and innocence of childhood? That every human you ever meet has that same source of love and innocence within them? And finally will you use that
love to become a blessing to those around you? Jesus answered this call. He continues to answer this call. And He calls on us to do the same.