Celebrating Mariana Mevans Vidal (09/17/23)
Music originates in the spiritual world, not in the
natural world. It was not developed by science or worked out by art, but was learned through hearing and its exquisite sense.
"Therefore it is clear that it does not originate from the natural world but from the spiritual world" and from "the correspondence between the sounds
of music and human affections." The angels sing spontaneously and without instruction. What is wonderful, they sing in choirs without a director, because they are caught up in the sphere of the music itself which moves and leads them."
This is
because music comes from the affections, and has power to arouse similar affections in those who sing or hear. For "every affection of the heart is attended with this; that it produces singing and music."
"All heavenly joy produces gladness of heart"
and this is expressed by singing, and by the playing musical instruments. "The heart, when full of joy, pours itself forth in singing. . . . All these flow spontaneously from the joy itself and for the reason that the whole heaven is formed according to the affections of goodness and truth . . . it is therefore formed also for joy." (Quotes By Emanuel Swedenborg, Revelation Explained 326).
Music is a very important part of heavenly life! (Rev. Frank Rose)
This Sunday (9/17/23) we gather to celebrate the music we have shared with Mariana in
worshipping together over the last five years! Next Sunday, she will begin in her new role as full-time organist for Catalina United Methodist Church. I know you join me in deep gratitude for Mariana's heart, talent, and dedication to making the worship music at Sunrise Chapel such a moving experience.
Join us in friendship hall after this Sunday's worship for a special luncheon with Mariana and her family in honor of this momentus occasion!
Love and Peace,