Why the Lord Was Born (12/22/23)
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father; full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
All residents of
this planet we call "earth" share a common element of our heritage, one that is unique among all of the planets, galaxies, and universes. Something happened [a little over] 2,000 years ago on this planet that never happened anywhere before or since: the Maker and Creator Himself, the infinite God came to earth and was born as a human being. He walked among His people, taught them, loved them, and so saved the entire human race from total
What had made this incredible mission necessary? Nothing short of infinite Divine Love burning with a desire to save human beings from a hidden, but impending doom. Through generations of choosing to serve their selfish and worldly love, people had separated themselves from God. They had chosen to forget Him and forget how He meant people to live. The Lord could not be present in people's lives because they had chosen to exclude Him. Mutual
love among people was extinguished, and evil was breaking out everywhere, in both the natural and spiritual worlds, destroying all ability to see or choose anything true or good, dragging people further into hell. Complete planetary annihilation was imminent.
And so the Lord assumed a human body so that He could be attacked by the hells, defeat them, and break the grip of every evil and falsity that held the human race in bondage. And He came to teach
people how they could again live and be conjoined [or in partnership] with Him. (NCL 2006, EDM edit)