Spiritual Peace (02/25/24)
Given that this week's message concerns what it means to be a peacemaker, was delighted to be reminded of this passage from the work Secrets of Heaven -
"Be it known that the Divine Providence is universal, that is, in things the most minute. They who are in the stream of Providence are all the time carried along
toward everything that is happy, whatever may be the appearance of the means.
Those are in the stream of Providence who put their trust in the Divine and
attribute all things [thereto]. Those are not in the stream of Providence who trust in themselves alone and attribute all things to themselves, because they are in the opposite, for they take away providence from the Divine and claim it for themselves.
Be it known also that in so far as anyone is in the stream of Providence, so far they are in a state of peace; also that in so far as anyone is in a state of peace from the good of faith, so far they are in the Divine Providence.
These alone know and believe that the Divine Providence of the Lord is in everything both in general and in particular. Indeed, it is in the most minute things of all, for the Divine Providence regards what is eternal" (Swedenborg, Secrets of Heaven 8478:4).