Too Much? (02/04/24)
Many people feel too busy. So many things to do and so little time! And yet, are we not created to busy ourselves in serving the neighbor? Is not this the source of joy from heaven? Needs present themselves. We have families to feed, duties to do,
causes to support. The Lord asks, "Whom shall I send?" And like Isaiah, we feel moved to answer, "Send me." It is not wrong to be busy.
But stress is not from
the Lord. He does not intend that we become exhausted. The Psalms remind us that "it is vain . . . to rise up early, to sit up late." Sometimes, we allow our lives to become overextended. We want to do too much. Even angels sometimes push themselves too hard. For this reason, we are taught that days of recreation are proclaimed in heavenly societies to provide a break in which angels may rest from the fatigue that some feel from "the drive to excel" (Swedenborg, Married Love 17). [Our theology]
speaks further of these things called "diversions of charity." "The affection to be useful remains interiorly within them and is "gradually renewed." A longing for one's work "ends them" (Swedenborg, Charity 193). Is this a hint for us? We need a break.
How often do we drive ourselves to do too much? If our motive is to excel for the sake of personal honor, reputation, and gain, we will soon tire. There is a healthier motive in the love of being useful, but only the Lord can inspire us with that affection. We are advised to look at our life in a new way: "Cease... from asking yourself, 'What are the good works that I must do, or what good must I do to
receive eternal life?' Only cease from evils as sins and look to the Lord, and the Lord will teach and lead you" (Swedenborg, Revelation Explained 979). For, as the prophet has said, "...what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6: 8)
[NCL Editorial,