"Ever Flowing On..." (05/25/24)
“You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters and yet others go ever flowing on. They go forward and back again.” (Heraclitus)
[This] means that it is impossible for one to step into the same river twice for two reasons. First, we as humans change, so the one who steps into the river again later is not the same as the one who stepped in before. Likewise, although one steps in
the same place, the water which runs there is not the same water as ran before.
A wooden ship sat at harbor in need of repair. Slowly, board by board, the craftsmen
replaced the various parts of the ship. Eventually, not one board remained from the original. So, [a] riddle asks, “is it the same boat?” I think Heraclitus raises a similar question. (Kyle Rapinchuck)
"The church is where the Word is, and where the Lord is thereby known. But it does not follow from this that they are of the church who are from where the Word is, and where the Lord is thereby known. It is [rather] they who are regenerated by the Lord by means of truths from the Word - who are those who live according to the truths within it.” (Swedenborg, White Horse #6)