Jane Enis Visit:
Those of you who were with us in April will remember when Jane Enis (from our denomination) visited to introduce a new strategic planning process that we plan to begin in
October. On September 1st, Jane will join us for church, and then after church we will have the first meeting of the SRC Building Committee to discuss refinancing possibilities with our denomination. We hope you will join us to meet Jane (and register your perspective on the impact of Sunrise Chapel in your life!)
Off the Left Eye Study, 8/27/24, 1pm
Join us in the Chapel @1pm on Tuesday with Sue Carr for a lively discussion on another Off the Left Eye study. This week's subject (continued): "The Practical Way To Deal With Anxiety."
Gospel of John Bible Study, 8/27/24, 6pm:
Join us for the beginning of a Bible Study on the Gospel of John in the vestry (lobby outside the chapel) on Tuesday @ 6pm. We will augment the study with portions of the film "Word for Word: The Gospel of John."
Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in helping people experience heavenly joy through spiritual growth!