Announcements (For: 12/01/24)
Arizona Mountain Camp Lunch (12/01/24)
After Church will be our traditional Arizona Mountain Camp Lunch. Join us after worship for BBQ fare and donate (if you can) to a worthy cause!
Final Notice For ASGF Fundraiser (12/01/24)
Deadline for purchasing tickets is TODAY December 1st. "Spiritual Growth groups bring like-minded people together to build community and support each other getting out of the basement of negativity into states of hope, peace, and love!" Let's work together to bring spiritual growth and caring community to the world! - Kelly Woofenden, CEO ASGF/Choose Joy Now
Tuesday Discussion Group (12/03/24, 1pm):
Join us this Tuesday for our Off the Left Eye discussion group in the Chapel w/ Sue Carr @ 1pm. Subject: "Why God Can't Change You Without Your Help."
Bonfire and Reading of the Christ Child (12/7/24, 6pm):
We will gather for smores, a fire, and reading of the Christ Child (adaptation of the Nativity) around the fire pit by the Memorial Garden. Join us!
An Opportunity to Donate (12/08/24)
TCDS is partnering with SRC to do another clothing and gift drive (and also supporting the Christmas Project). Gently used clothes and children’s gifts welcome! Gather your things during the week of December 2nd to bring to church on the 8th. Also on December 8th, stay after church to help wrap our Christmas gifts to families in need!
Gospel of John Bible Study (POSTPONED To New Year):
Come to our Gospel of John Group meeting at the home of Lori and Emilio Lopez (8972 E Linden St).
SRC Semi Annual Meeting (12/15/24)
This is your
official notice that the Semi-Annual meeting of the congregation will be after church on December 15th. Come hear a review of our year and help look forward to the year ahead for the Sunrise Chapel congregation.