Elise and I are on vacation.
However, there WILL be an online service on You Tube as usual, starting at 11 AM.
I'm happy to welcome the Rev. Todd Beiswenger as our guest preacher this Sunday. This will be an online-only church service, since Todd will not be in Tucson in person.
I pre-recorded this church service and scheduled it to "go live" (premier) at 11:00 am (MT). Click on the photo above or this link. I thought I could schedule it for 10:55, but the You Tube scheduler only allows launches at 15-minute increments. The service will then remain on our You Tube channel
This service includes our normal ritual. It starts with a beautiful prelude by Diccon Lee, after which I have some words of welcome, then I introduce a song played by the New Church of Boulder Valley in Colorado, followed by prayer and a children's talk. Then I introduce a video recording by the guest preacher, a colleague, Todd Beiswenger, who lives near
Sydney, Australia and works as pastor of the Hurstville New Church. He is doing great work with Bible-based, inspirational videos which he then promotes on You Tube. I think you'll find his talk very educational and worthwhile!
After his talk I introduce a spiritual growth task and conclude with a prayer, a benediction, and a closing song. Note, there will NOT be a Zoom call at noon after the church service this week or next week.
I must admit, pre-recording and editing a whole church service is yet another steep learning experience, so enjoy my beginning efforts and give me some slack! I hope these online church services continue to serve our community and church family even while Elise and I take a much anticipated break from our routine.
With love and respect and prayers for everyone's well-being, physically and spiritually,