Do you sometimes find it annoying to have intrusive negative thoughts and feelings pop up and infest your otherwise good-natured state of being? I do. In this church service, my friend Todd Beiswenger addresses this common tendency with teachings from the Bible and Swedenborg to clarify the origin of such negativity and how to deal with it. And he explains how an unusual experience led him to understand the
teachings powerfully and apply them to his own life. It is the second in a series on the story of David dealing with Goliath.
Elise and I are on vacation.
However, there WILL be an online service on You Tube as usual, starting at 11 AM.
Once again, I welcome the Rev. Todd Beiswenger as our guest preacher this Sunday. This will be an online-only church service, since Todd lives in Australia and will not be in Tucson in person.
I pre-recorded this church service and scheduled it to "go live" (premier) at 11:00 am (MT). Click on the photo above or click this link. (I thought I could schedule it for 10:55, but the You Tube scheduler only allows launches at 15-minute increments.) The service will then remain on our You
Tube channel afterwards so if you miss the premier, you can view it anytime afterwards.
This service includes our normal ritual. It starts with a beautiful prelude by Heather Childs, and features two hymns played by the New Church of Boulder Valley in Colorado. I also give a children's talk IN the children's chapel.
Then I introduce a video recording by the guest preacher, Todd Beiswenger, pastor of the Hurstville New Church near Sydney, Australia. He is doing great work with Bible-based, inspirational videos which he then promotes on You Tube. I think you'll find his talk very educational and worthwhile!
After his talk I introduce a spiritual growth task and conclude with a prayer, a benediction, and a closing song. Note, there will NOT be a Zoom call at noon after the church service.
There is a lot involved in pre-recording and editing a whole church service. I've tested a variety of video-creation-and-editing software programs and settled (so far) on Camtasia. The good news is that I will be able to use it for a variety of projects to allow me to add videos to our websites and social media, so it feels worthwhile beyond these two initial Sunday efforts.
With love and respect and prayers for everyone's well-being, physically and spiritually,