Church Service LAST Sunday, August 9
I have to laugh at the irony. (What else can I do?!) In my attempt to say something significant about the subject of significance, the internet significantly failed us and the livestream went silent in the middle of my sermon! And I only learned about it after the service was over.
However (...drum roll, please...), Sunday afternoon I did a retake of the rest of the sermon and added it to our You Tube channel as a second video to conclude the service. It includes a graphic (see below) about three levels of significance, like three stories of a house. I also introduce a spiritual growth task for the week, which is pictured below.
I really enjoyed researching and presenting this topic about significance - another basic human "need." Throughout our lives, we long for a certain degree of significance, for being noticed, or the need for making a mark even if no one is paying attention. I think it's a pervasive challenge, even for people who are quite self-assured and confident. I have certainly struggled with it in my life. In
certain circumstances, even in a crowd, I can easily feel uncomfortably invisible. On the other hand, especially among loved ones, I feel deeply important and honored. The need for significance is both very worldly as well as very spiritual. Let's explore what the Lord's will is for our sense of significance. It's an interesting shift into a higher order of thinking.
GUEST PREACHER the next two Sundays!
However, there WILL be an online service on You Tube as usual.
Elise and I will be on vacation. On Sunday Aug 16 & 23 there will NOT be an in-person church service option. Instead, a pre-recorded church service will "go live" at the usual time - 10:55 am. It will remain on our You Tube channel afterwards.
Each of these services will include our normal ritual. I lead them, then I introduce a video recording of the guest preacher, after which I conclude the service with a prayer, benediction, and a closing song. My colleague, Todd Beiswenger, who lives and pastors in Hurstville, Australia (near Sydney) is doing great work with Bible-based, inspirational videos, and I think you'll
find these two talks very worthwhile!
I must admit, pre-recording and editing a whole church service is yet another steep learning experience, so enjoy my beginning efforts and give me some slack! I hope these online church services continue to serve our community and church family even while Elise and I take a much anticipated break from our routine.
With love and respect and prayers for everyone's well-being, physically and spiritually,