"I have set before you an open door." Revelation 3:8
What door do you need to open?
As the old saying goes, when one door closes another opens. When Covid-19 led to certain activities being shut down, other energies and activities opened up. As fast as we close some doors, God keeps opening others. What's next?
Let's think about this in terms of some stories in the Word. In the Psalms, David prays, "Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips." Sometimes I ask the Lord if I should open my mouth or keep the door of my lips sealed? What's next? It depends.
In the Lord's ministry, He referred to Himself as a door - the door of the sheepfold - protecting the sheep from predators and leading the sheep in and out, to and from their pasture. In this analogy, the Lord opens the door for the sheep, but keeps it closed against danger. What's next?
When the Lord was crucified and buried, a large stone was rolled across the mouth of the tomb, but at His resurrection, He had an angel roll away the stone from the door of the tomb - a dramatic reopening! And in that case, we know what was next!
In fact, the Lord is in the business of opening and reopening doors for people. In John's vision of the 7 churches in Revelation, the Philadelphians are told that the Lord set before them an open door that no one would ever shut. Later John described his vision of the Holy City New Jerusalem with 12 pearly gates that are always open.
Unfortunately, we humans have a tendency to shut doors that the Lord wants left open. It's a tendency that comes from our heredity and from dysfunctional influences such as fear, contempt, defensiveness, and unhealthy bids for control. It happens in our personal lives when we get slammed with a sense of hopelessness and we temporarily close the door on our physical or spiritual health. Our Lord
wants us to reopen the door of hope and rediscover purpose and joy!
This Sunday let's explore this simple and deep correspondence between doors around us and doors deep within.
This Sunday will be our 31st church service in the era of CoViD-19.
After the church service last week one long-term member confided how happy he was to be there in person! So much more satisfying to him than watching the service on a computer screen. THERE IS ROOM FOR YOU WHEN YOU ARE READY! In addition to the Chapel space, there are other areas where you can participate in person and socially distanced.
Thank you for your patience with technology
Please provide some feedback
Sometimes buffering is on the user's end; other times it is on "our" end at Sunrise Chapel. Since last Sunday, my IT volunteer and I diagnosed a problem that we are fixing in preparation for this Sunday.
Please let me know what your experience is. It is really helpful for me to hear from you, not just in the YouTube chat.
Send me an email, or text me, or better yet, call me! I look forward to hearing what works, what doesn't work, and how to ensure that the technology serves as best as possible. ~Nathan
Outdoor Option
Something NEW - The closed-circuit monitor in Friendship Hall can be turned so that it can be viewed from outside on the patio in the shade. This is yet another option for in-person participation.
Please join your church family this Sunday at 11 o'clock either on YouTube or in person at the Chapel (with the guidelines below).
I love being your pastor, and I send my prayers for everyone's well-being, physically and spiritually.
Photo of Frank Rose at the 2018 Tucson Festival of Books
(Thank you, Teresa Campbell, for the photo!)
Frank sends his love and good wishes. His congenital condition - pancytopenia - continues to make him physically weaker. But he is still very much "himself" and doing what he can to making the best of his situation. With the luxury of technology, especially the ubiquity of Zoom video conferencing, he is able to keep in touch with his children and grandchildren around the country. And this past Wednesday, he
mustered the reserves of his limited energy to be on the Zoom call for the final session of the current series of an 8-week Spiritual Growth Group on "End of Life Issues." This series of 7 tasks is something he created and offered to co-lead, not knowing if he would even be able to complete the experience. The final task in the series is "Practice Acceptance." A hard one for everyone in the group.
Since September 14, he has been in home-hospice where he can continue to be in the comfort of his home with Louise, visiting family members, occasional visitors, and where his care team can assist with his physical needs. Fortunately he is sharp as a tack, relatively free from discomfort, and enjoying the preciousness of each moment as much as possible - from his bed.
He loves getting messages either by email or regular letters or cards. When he's up to it, he loves a brief phone chat. Call their landline. If you need contact information or a church directory or any other details, contact me or Elise.
Love, Nathan cell 520-820-5148
An upcoming new small group offering
Join a new small group soon!
How resilient are you feeling these days? Could you use a little encouragement from a supportive group experience?
Starting the week of October 18, join a 5-week small group experience similar to the annual Journey Programs we do each year. Nathan will launch it with a sermon series on October 18. Each Sunday will introduce the topic of the week whether you participate in a group or do the tasks on your own. The final Sunday will be November 15th (in time for our annual Thanksgiving service the following Sunday).
Small groups (either online or in-person) will be delving into the material that can be accessed online or from self-printed copies.
Nathan will lead a Zoom group beginning Wednesday, October 21 at 3:00 PM (MT)
Our weekly Women’s Group will begin the series IN PERSON AND ONLINE at Sunrise Chapel on Thursday, October 22 at 6:30 PM (MT) led by various group members.
Tip for forming a group:
Decide when is a good day and time for YOU to do the course; then find one other person interested in doing the course at the same time as you. Then invite others or let Elise or me know your schedule. We can then promote it with others.
Here is some background information from the authors of this program:
We invite you to join a small group to support well-being, health and resilience in this challenging time.
Life is filled with ups and downs. We need resilience. Sometimes resilience is small (making it through the day), sometimes resilience is big after a major life event (illness, trauma, job loss, relationship ending, grief etc).
We need resilience in our relationships and in our lives. Resilience is about claiming our agency - that we are powerful - and it's also about finding solidarity with others, knowing others who have had setbacks and kept going.
The small group experiences will explore practices of resilience enlivened by an ancient sacred text (portions of the Joseph story from Genesis) and supported by scientific data.
For more information on the program and its launch in the Bryn Athyn Church (Pennsylvania), check out this link.
Pima County Public Health Update for October 7, 2020 - Data shows promising numbers.
Click on the image to go to the You Tube video or click on this link:
This You Tube channel is a great local resource without the hype and politicization that comes through most media outlets.
Graphic: How to join a ZOOM meeting
Hey, church family!
Do you miss our get togethers in Friendship Hall? I do! But there is still a neat and fun way of connecting in spite of CoViD. You can check in and visit at noon on Zoom.
Everyone welcome, even if you haven't participated yet! Pop in for a bit and leave whenever you need to.
To join the Zoom meeting, click on this link at NOON
If this link doesn't work for you, go to zoom.us/join and enter these credentials for the meeting:
Meeting ID: 949 4617 0443
Password: 05152020 (hint: the numerical date for May 15, 2020)
Looking forward to seeing you!
Here is a reminder of last Sunday's task for this week. And thank you to Louis Woofenden for the beautiful photo!
Guidelines for reopening for in-person church activities
Last Sunday we had 10 people in person
We also had 49 computers "viewing" the livestream or the recorded video afterwards - so far.
Did you know that other groups are using areas of our facility (not the main Chapel, though)? There are 12-step meetings being held in the gazebo and in Friendship Hall. Tai Chi is back using Friendship Hall twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays at 11 am. ActivStars Karate is back, too! They have one class meeting on Thursday nights from 6-7 pm either outdoors under the new lights or in Friendship Hall
depending on the weather. Yoga Oasis is also conducting outdoor classes in our parking lot several times a week.
With appropriate caution, I welcome anyone to attend church services in person who feels safe within the guidelines outlined below. I realize that many people will not attend in person, yet, so I'm glad when I "see" you participating through the livestream option! Please use the YouTube chat
feature to "check in" and let your church family know you care about our faith community.
We have space for at least 20 people in the seating area of the Chapel. There are also the "overflow" rooms to view the TV monitor in the Vestry (off the front lobby) and in Friendship Hall.
Specific guidelines for in-person attendance
1. Stay safe while being kind and respectful. Observe the guidelines. If you are uncomfortable for any reason, please take care of yourself first; feel free to leave without any negative judgments.
2. Do not attend in person if you are sick, or if you are concerned about getting sick, or if you are at high risk. Instead, please continue to participate remotely.
3. Wear a face covering over your nose and mouth. Please bring your own face covering (mask, scarf, bandana, etc). A face covering will be provided if you forget to bring your own.
4. Practice social distancing while on the church property (inside and buildings) including friendly no-touch greetings.
5. On entering and leaving the buildings, please wash hands with soap or use hand sanitizer (provided in the lobby).
During the church service:
• I wear a mask before and after the service and while I am singing. I remove my mask for prayers, the children's talk, the readings, and the sermon, with the understanding that the closest participants are over 8 feet away from me.
• Sanitary wipes are available for individuals to wipe down chairs and surfaces they use.
• Bathroom use is limited to one person at a time, using only the main bathrooms at the entrance to Friendship Hall.
• No printed bulletins or songbooks. Instead, song lyrics are projected on the monitor and announcements will either be projected or verbal.
Please, let me know whatever you think. It's good to hear from as many people as possible. I'm doing the best I can, and I don't want to put any volunteers or visitors in any unsafe positions. I appreciate your help and patience!
Looking forward to your participation either in person or online!
Photo: laptop + coffee
Weekday Meditation (9:00-9:30 am MT) This is the link for the Monday meditation that I lead, but it is also the same link for the rest of the weekdays, led by other folks. Try it! You might like it!
New Church Vineyard (This is a RICH source of KID-ORIENTED content for all sorts of stories from the Bible and the teachings of Swedenborg. Use this for family worship and for "Sunday school" type activities to enhance your spiritual lives at home.)
Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in the practice of cultivating spiritual growth and choosing heavenly joy
nathan@sunrisechapel.org Office 520-298-1245