This Sunday: Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving chancel decorations 2017.
Join us online or in person for this Sunday's Thanksgiving worship service
As CoViD cases climb and we each do what we can to stay safe and healthy, it seems challenging to find meaningful ways to celebrate our long-held traditions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. These are important celebrations! In fact, in the Old Testament stories of the Israelites traveling to and living in the Promised Land, God gives detailed instructions about setting up annual thanksgiving
celebrations. Not just once a year, either, but several times at different seasons.
God knows it's important for us to give thanks.
Interestingly, though, giving thanks is a spiritual practice for our own good, and our own spiritual growth, not to satisfy some Divine need for a pat on the back!
In my experience, gratitude lifts my spirit up from the challenges of the pandemic and other upsets in daily life. When I notice even a little bit of goodness in something that is otherwise not so good, I feel more lighthearted.
This Sunday, I invite you to experience a bit of lightheartedness as we gather virtually and in person to thank God for the blessings in our lives.
HEAR YE, HEAR YE! It's Annual Meeting time
We need to have an Annual Meeting as soon as possible
During this meeting we need to vote in a Committee to work together on Pastoral Succession Planning
This meeting needs to be a "hybrid" of in-person and Zoom participants
Agenda Items:
* Satisfy our By Laws with voting and hearing various reports
* Elect a committee to discuss pastoral succession starting next July
I am aiming to have this meeting on Wednesday, December 2. (We are required to have 10 days advance notice of such meetings.) The exact time of day is not set yet and will depend on when we can have the most people in attendance either on Zoom or in person.
Please let me know your preference for timing of this meeting on Wednesday, December 2.
I love being your pastor, and I miss seeing you! Please join your church family this Sunday at 11 o'clock either online or in person.
And I send my prayers for everyone's well-being, physically and spiritually. Please let me know how I can help or serve AND how you might want to help or serve the church.
Take a chance to win AND donate to good causes!
THANK YOU to each and all of you who have already purchased tickets for this important fundraiser!
There's still time to purchase more.
Purchase chances no later than November 30 to win a brand new truck and other great prizes! ALL of the proceeds of each ticket you purchase through our non profit organization will support our work. None of the funds goes to the raffle organizers or to Jim Click.
This is a wonderful way to give directly to BOTH Arizona Spiritual Growth Foundation AND Sunrise Chapel AND get chances to win various prizes! Time is running out, though. Please purchase your tickets by November 30!
1. Go to then click on Fundraiser for more details or go directly to our “Donate, or Buy Decks” page and use our PayPal button to purchase tickets with a credit card (or through your own PayPal account). (You don’t need a PayPal account to use your credit card.)
2. Or you can call or text or email Kelly Woofenden or Judith Keane and they will assist you. If you prefer, you can pay for tickets with check or cash. Kelly or Judith will arrange a time to meet safely, or they can mail the tickets.
Be sure to provide contact information so we can get your tickets to you! We can arrange to have you pick them up, or we can drop them off if you’re local, or we can mail them to you. Just let us know – either in the memo of the PayPal form or through our “Contact us” form.
Or write a check to AZ Spiritual Growth Foundation and send it to:
AZ Spiritual Growth Foundation
8421 E Wrightstown Rd, Tucson, AZ 85715
BONUS - For each ticket you purchase in honor of Frank Rose, a generous donor will give a matching gift - up to $10,000 - to Sunrise Chapel!
What Shall We Do About Our Path To Bethlehem?
Wise men scene from 2016.
Latest ideas about offering some version of our traditional Path to Bethlehem
There is energy to think of creative ways to offer a modified Path to Bethlehem that is CoViD-safe. The idea is that people need safe experiences that encourage hope. And what better story of hope than the birth of our Lord and Savior?!
At this point, we're leaning towards a scaled-down DRIVE-THROUGH event with three scenes plus the music and narration that we have used in the past
Here are the latest thoughts:
* Actors in each scene must be from the same family (or pod), and guests to each scene must remain in their cars, a safe distance from all actors
* Guests drive in to the paved parking area and follow a clearly marked path guiding them to the three scenes
* Parking attendants provide guidance and safety throughout the event
* No guides, no animals, no gathering in Friendship Hall, and no refreshments
* In order to make this happen, we still need:
additional actors
volunteers to help with set up
a well-coordinated team of parking attendants
Thank you to those who have already offered thoughtful opinions. What do YOU think? Please contact me to share your thoughts.
cell 520-820-5148
Report on final small groups for the Resilience series
Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent small group series!
There is "magic" in small-group interaction. We connect. We learn. We open our hearts and minds and lives. Thank you to the various leaders of the Thursday night Women's Group who took turns facilitating the "hybrid" meetings (in person and online). And thank you to each person who showed up, no matter how often. Each meeting was a "high quality connection" that enriched each other's experience of the
material and stimulated spiritual growth.
My Wednesday afternoon group is meeting this coming Wednesday at 3 pm, the day before Thanksgiving. This is a "hybrid" group meaning I welcome people in person at the Chapel as well as online through Zoom.
This will be an opportunity to report on the final task (see below) of the resilience series: Making Connections
The Thursday night Women's Group has concluded their study of Resilience and will take a break for Thanksgiving. They resume meetings the following Thursday. Speak to Elise Gladish for more details.
Last Sunday's topic ~ this week's Task
Here is the task from last Sunday which was introduced in this week's small groups. Even if you aren't involved in a small group, consider doing the task on your own or with your partner or friend.
I'm starting up a new group to study the basic teachings of the New Church
Want to learn more about the basic teachings and the history of the New Church in a group setting?
This group is for "newcomers" to the church as well as anyone who wants a refresher, or anyone who has taken this course in the past but might have missed some sessions.
I plan to run the group on Monday afternoons. The exact start time will depend on the needs of the participants. I can do it early in the afternoon or in the middle, whichever is more suitable for the majority.
Please contact me to let me know of your interest and your time preferences.
Graphic: How to join a ZOOM meeting
Hey, church family!
Do you miss our get togethers in Friendship Hall? I do! But there is still a neat and fun way of connecting in spite of CoViD. You can check in and visit at noon on Zoom.
Everyone welcome, even if you haven't participated yet! Pop in for a bit and leave whenever you need to.
To join the Zoom meeting, click on this link at NOON
If this link doesn't work for you, go to and enter these credentials for the meeting:
Meeting ID: 949 4617 0443
Password: 05152020 (hint: the numerical date for May 15, 2020)
Looking forward to seeing you!
Guidelines for reopening for in-person church activities
The Sunrise Chapel monument garden 2012
Welcome! The doors are open. Come when you are ready
With appropriate caution, I welcome anyone to attend church services in person who feels safe within the guidelines outlined below. I realize that many people will not attend in person, yet, so I'm glad when I "see" you participating through the livestream option! Please use the YouTube chat
feature to "check in" and let your church family know you care about our faith community.
We have space for at least 20 people in the seating area of the Chapel. There are also the "overflow" rooms to view the TV monitor in the Vestry (off the front lobby) and in Friendship Hall.
Specific guidelines for in-person attendance
1. Stay safe while being kind and respectful. Observe the guidelines. If you are uncomfortable for any reason, please take care of yourself first; feel free to leave without any negative judgments.
2. Do not attend in person if you are sick, or if you are concerned about getting sick, or if you are at high risk. Instead, please continue to participate remotely.
3. Wear a face covering over your nose and mouth. Please bring your own face covering (mask, scarf, bandana, etc). A face covering will be provided if you forget to bring your own.
4. Practice social distancing while on the church property (inside and buildings) including friendly no-touch greetings.
5. On entering and leaving the buildings, please wash hands with soap or use hand sanitizer (provided in the lobby).
During the church service:
• I wear a mask before and after the service and while I am singing. I remove my mask for prayers, the children's talk, the readings, and the sermon, with the understanding that the closest participants are over 8 feet away from me.
• Sanitary wipes are available for individuals to wipe down chairs and surfaces they use.
• Bathroom use is limited to the main bathrooms at the entrance to Friendship Hall, one person at a time.
• No printed bulletins or songbooks. Instead, song lyrics are projected on the monitor and announcements will either be projected or verbal.
Please, let me know whatever you think. It's good to hear from as many people as possible. I'm doing the best I can, and I don't want to put any volunteers or visitors in any unsafe positions. I appreciate your help and patience!
Looking forward to your participation either in person or online!
Photo: laptop + coffee
Weekday Meditation (9:00-9:30 am MT) This is the link for the Monday meditation that I lead, but it is also the same link for the rest of the weekdays, led by other folks. Try it! You might like it!
New Church Vineyard (This is a RICH source of KID-ORIENTED content for all sorts of stories from the Bible and the teachings of Swedenborg. Use this for family worship and for "Sunday school" type activities to enhance your spiritual lives at home.)
Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in the practice of cultivating spiritual growth and choosing heavenly joy Office 520-298-1245