What does God want for Christmas?
photo by freebibleimages.org
The birth and life of our Lord Jesus Christ is the gift of God's presence on earth
We give gifts to various people to show our love. What gifts would be suitable to give to the Lord? The story of the magi, or wise men, searching for, then finding the Lord, and presenting Him gifts is symbolic of what the Lord wants for Christmas.
Tune in to our livestream on our You Tube channel at 10:55 Sunday morning to explore the meaning of these three gifts of wisdom.
I love being your pastor, and I hope you are well. Elise and I wish you the best at this season, and we are always eager to talk with you. Please let us know what we can do for you, and let us know what you would like to do to help Sunrise Chapel help more people.
Last Sunday's topic ~ this week's Task
Here is the task from our "fourth Sunday of Advent" theme - Choose joy! If you want the backstory, check out the service on our You Tube channel.
"It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour."
-- Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Community Angel Tree at Sunrise Chapel
Our Christmas Angel Tree looks beautiful on our chancel.
Thank you to each of you who has participated in this special Christmas activity!
It has been such a treat to decorate this very special Christmas tree with angels in memory and honor of many people in our lives who are either like angels to us or actually are angels in heaven.
Some of the angels are lovingly handmade, others are store bought. Each one adds special meaning because of the feelings and thoughts that it stirs for the people we love.
Angels are a big part of the Christmas story. One of their main roles is to bring good news. Gabriel brought the happy news of Jesus’s birth, appearing to Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, and the shepherds out in the fields. And there is nothing like the hope expressed by the heavenly host: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to all people.”
During these difficult months of the pandemic it is good to be reminded of people and angels who are with us, thinking of us, supporting us, and giving us messages of hope.
Thank you to Elise Gladish for organizing this activity. She will have more information about the angels after Christmas. Feel free to contact her 520-820-1284 or elisegladish@gmail.com
Poinsettias decorating the Chancel
The beautiful poinsettias on the chancel for Christmas are in memory and honor of George Reynolds, Donna Wilder, Frank Rose, and Ann Ferganchick.
Thank you so much!
Your year-end financial support is greatly needed!
Please consider Sunrise Chapel in your year-end charitable giving
This year, our income for the operations of our church is about 35% less than normal.
If you haven't been giving because of not attending in person, please consider setting up a recurring gift through your banking preference.
Thank you to everyone who gives any amount!
Every church organization has many financial obligations, but the most important thing your gift supports is the opportunity to gather locally either in-person or online to develop meaningful relationships with the Lord and one another. Sunrise Chapel relies on the generosity and dedication of donors to keep the various uses and ministries going.
When you give an unrestricted gift to Sunrise Chapel's General Operating Fund, you are supporting this spiritual community as well as our down-to-earth efforts to serve more people.
Thank you for considering Sunrise Chapel in your charitable giving
If you write a check, make it to Sunrise Chapel.
The PayPal button above takes you to an option for either a one-time or a monthly donation.
Thank you from our Treasurer, Bill Smith
Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in the practice of cultivating spiritual growth and choosing heavenly joy
nathan@sunrisechapel.org Office 520-298-1245