This Sunday, let's consider "Entering heaven." We don't have to wait to enter heaven at some future date when we transition to the other world. In fact, to be prepared for that eventuality, we need to practice entering heaven on a moment-by-moment basis. Speaking for myself, I find it disheartening how much time I spend in unheavenly states. This is an important and urgent task, because it helps me think
about heaven, define it more clearly, and keep it top-of-mind. And fortunately, there is a lot of very useful and inspiring information in the teachings through Swedenborg that can inform my efforts to choose to enter the open door of heaven.
As a newcomer to the church once said,
"It's not as important for me to get into heaven as it is to get heaven into my life."
I invite you to join me in working on these spiritual practices to help us follow the Lord and do as He did. Each of these is from the printed card deck of "52 Spiritual Growth Tasks." Additional information about each is also available on the Spiritual Growth Foundation website (
NOTE: this website is undergoing a complete refresh. Please be patient if you find incomplete pages. We are working on it.
"FOLLOW ME" series
Jan 24 - Live in the present (task #8)
Jan 31 - Let worry go (task #23)
Feb 7 - Accept what is (task #25)
Feb 14 - Take initiative - Stop procrastinating (task #30)
Feb 21 - Give up suffering (task #32)
Feb 28 - Enter heaven (task #42)
Mar 7 - Keep going (task #49)
Join me in a small group on Wednesdays at 2 pm (Zoom)
As part of this Sunday series, I invite you to share your experience of practicing each task in a small group (through Zoom) each Wednesday at 2 pm. I find these small groups both centering and invigorating. I look forward to them and invite you to consider participating.
See below for the link to the Zoom