These photos show our previous efforts to offer the Holy Supper safely in person in the Chapel. We take turns sitting socially distanced at one of the small tables instead of being together at the front railing. The elements remain covered until each participant (or couple) uncovers them. I don't do individual blessings. Although it's not our "normal" routine, and it's a bit more effort on
everyone's part, it's meaningful and worthwhile!
If you cannot come in person yet, I invite you to prepare for and participate in the Holy Supper at home while you watch the service online.
* Gather some bread and wine or juice ahead of time. If you want, use some unleavened crackers, or you can make a small amount of unleavened bread. It's not as important to have the exact "right" elements as it is to eat and drink something to symbolize the nourishment of taking in the Lord's love and wisdom spiritually.
* Consider a challenge in your life for which you need help from the Lord.
* During the ritual, pray to the Lord for insight and encouragement to face your particular challenge. Remember the Lord's words, "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
* Thank the Lord for whatever blessings you perceive.
May the Lord bless us all through the practice of the Holy Supper.