What is the Good of Grief?
This Sunday help me welcome a good friend, Jeremy Rose, to address the difficult but universal challenge of grief
Sunrise Chapel has lost many beloved members in recent months, so there is much to mourn about. These losses have left holes in our hearts. Perhaps you have thought of that phrase from the Beatitudes, “Blessed are those who mourn,” and thought “It doesn’t feel blessed.” Regardless of your views, the grieving process is something that everyone on earth will go through, like it or not. But will we have any cause
to mourn in the next life? Why is it something we must go through in this life, if it is not something we will experience in the next life? What is the good that comes from having a heart full of holes?
WE'RE OPEN, with appropriate precautions
In the past year, we've only had a couple Sundays when we didn't allow anyone into the building except me and a few volunteers. Otherwise, it's up to you to decide. I certainly welcome you if you feel comfortable being in-person.
We had a very beautiful Good Friday service a week ago with 10 people in attendance in the room. Unfortunately the sound for the livestream was disappointing, because I
neglected to turn on my mic. So sorry!
For the outdoor Easter 7 am service, we had 16 people in person (including 3 newcomers from the neighborhood). It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood and a lovely way to start the Easter morning.
We also had 24 people for the indoor Easter 11 am service.
It was also very nice to have Johanna and Val provide refreshments last Sunday after each of the Easter services! Thank you, ladies! There is hope to do this on a regular basis.
Thank you for your care and concern, and I hope to see you soon!
With love and respect and anticipation,
nathan@sunrisechapel.org 520-820-5148
Please check out our NEW, improved website!
With a lot of support from our church Office of Outreach, and our web guru Rob Andrews, we now have a new look and feel for our website. It's our best version yet! Check it out and let me know what you think.
If you like it, share it! If you see needs for corrections or additions, let me know!
Websites are "living" and need ongoing maintenance. And they are here to serve, so let me know how I can help this website serve you and more people as time marches on!
Our spiritual task from Easter Sunday:
After rising from the tomb, how would Jesus have said Mary's name when she mistook Him as the gardener? What inflection would there have been in His voice? What gesture might He have used? Clearly, it was revealing for Mary. This week, when you notice yourself, like Mary, confused or troubled, listen for the Lord speaking your name. How does that sound? Nathan
Want to try out a new group?
Here are some options, some of them in-person. The rest on Zoom. For details, contact Nathan or the group leader.
* Monday afternoon "Window to Eternity" book discussion group at 4 PM. WE WILL START THIS GROUP WHEN WE HAVE A "QUORUM" OF 5 PEOPLE. Let me know if you are interested. Nathan
* Wednesday afternoon "Spiritual Growth Group" at 4 PM. WE WILL START THIS GROUP WHEN WE HAVE A "QUORUM" OF 5 PEOPLE. Let me know if you are interested. Nathan
* Thursday evening in-person only "Grief Support Group" at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. We are just restarting this group. All are welcome. We will meet socially distanced in the main Chapel.
* Thursday evening hybrid "Women's Group" at 6:30 PM in the Children's Chapel at the church (hybrid: in-person and online). Contact Elise Gladish or Kelly Woofenden
* Plans are being developed for a new Bible Study based on Jonathan Rose's "Spirit and Life Bible Study" to be led by Michael Brown - day and time to be determined.
Contact me for more information and details about whether the group is in-person, online (Zoom), or hybrid.
Nathan 520-820-5148
World Labyrinth Day - First Saturday of May
Walk our Labyrinth on May 1 at 1 pm
Every “first Saturday of May” is World Labyrinth Day. On this day, people gather at labyrinths all over the world to “Walk as One At 1” in their time zones, in unity, and for peace and healing. We could use all the healing we can get this year, and in the years ahead.
We will have a socially distanced walk on May 1st, 2021, "Walking as One at 1." Please join us at 12:45 for a prayer for peace and healing for the world, a bottle of water, and good fellowship.
Our 5-circuit labyrinth is located outside on the northeast part of our church property, with shade and mountain views.
Sponsored by Sunrise Chapel, 8421 E Wrightstown Road, Tucson, 85715
Contact person: Tryn Rose: 602-616-5970 / trynrose@gmail.com
For a brief history of our labyrinth and other information, check our website, sunrisechapel.org.
Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in the practice of cultivating spiritual growth and choosing heavenly joy
nathan@sunrisechapel.org Office 520-298-1245