This Sunday: What does Palm Sunday mean in our daily spiritual life?
The Four Gospels give four slightly different perspectives on the events of what we refer to as Palm Sunday. This Sunday I'll be focusing on the account in Luke. Instead of palm branches, the feature that Luke emphasizes is laying down clothes on the road for Jesus to ride or walk on as he enters Jerusalem.
This may seems like a small detail and of little significance, but there is symbolic meaning. Whenever clothes are mentioned in the Word, they have something to do with the ideas that we "put on" and "take off." Some clothing refers to ideas that are worthy and true. Other stories of clothing refer to ideas that are dysfunctional or even false.
This Sunday let's explore this together and see what practical application we can make in our daily spiritual walk with the Lord!
Easter worship services
Palm Sunday - March 28 @ 11 am
Good Friday - April 2 @ 7 pm
Easter Sunday - April 4
(7 am outdoors, and 11 am indoors)
Easter is coming... are you?
People ask me, "Is the church open?" Yes! It's been open all along, with proper precautions. Come on in. Wear a mask, social distance. Enjoy the value of connecting in spiritual community.
It's not going to be "the same as it was" or a return to "pre-Covid normal" - In fact, I'm hoping it will be better! I'm optimistic that "absence makes the heart grow fonder!" We have much to do together! And perhaps the first step is to worship and to celebrate the Lord's work and His resurrection.
With love and respect and anticipation,
nathan@sunrisechapel.org 520-820-5148
You are invited to attend in person or online next Friday, April 2 at 7 pm.
Holy Supper will be offered in a "Covid safe" way in the Chapel.
If you prefer to stay home and participate through the livestream, you can make your own unleavened bread. Here is a recipe that Elise and I use (for a small amount).
Recipe for Unleavened Bread for Holy Supper
1/4 cup of flour (whole wheat meal or a gluten free alternative).
a pinch of salt
1 tablespoon of olive oil (or other oil)
2-3 teaspoons of cold water (enough to make it stick together )
(Note: The amounts of the ingredients vary depending on conditions to get the bread to stick together. Don’t worry about that – it is an ancient recipe that predates modern measuring cups, etc.)
Press onto a cookie sheet or into a pie pan.
Bake at about 400 degrees for about 6-8 minutes. Alternatively, Elise has had good success by microwaving small portions
This simple bread is symbolic of what is loving and good that the Lord provides for our spiritual well-being. If you don’t have such bread on hand, you can substitute something nourishing that you have available.
As for the wine, any simple red grape wine is suitable for representing what the Lord shared with his disciples. For anyone who cannot have wine, alternatives include grape juice or water. Each of these liquid drinks are symbolic of various aspects of the truth that nourishes us spiritually.
The most important elements to emphasize when taking the Holy Supper are your own hunger and thirst for the Lord’s love and wisdom which nourish us spiritually.
This year we will have an outdoor "early" service at 7 am near the Memorial Garden. It will be a brief, family-style, interactive time to celebrate the Lord rising from the tomb as our resurrected Lord and Savior. This service will be in-person only and not available online.
I also welcome anyone who feels "ready" to come in person to our 11 am Easter celebration. This service will be livestreamed as usual. I look forward to celebrating this beautiful story of transformation with you either in person or online. Please let me know if you have any questions.
In addition to families I mentioned last week who have recently lost loved ones (the families of Natasha and Eric Keys, and Kitty Aughey, and Joan Finley), please also keep in your prayers friends of Sunrise Chapel who continue to wrestle with serious health issues. Without going into details here, please send supportive thoughts and prayers for healing and encouragement to Gail Benton, Elizabeth Stember,
Jerry Marzinsky, and Jeanne Ross.
Consider reaching out in any way that will seem nurturing.
Our spiritual task in preparation for Easter:
"Read the Word"
This task was introduced last Sunday in the sermon about "The Lord becoming the Word" as described in the Gospel of John. I think it's helpful to turn that phrase around and imagine "the Word becoming the Lord."
By the way, my sermon style was quite different last Sunday because I was modeling the message after one of Jonathan Rose's episodes on www.SpiritandLifeBibleStudy.com Check it out. Look for episode #237 "To Fulfill the Law and the Prophets." It is about Jesus living by Scripture right up to his final bodily breath. I only used about a third of the references Jonathan used, so if you
watch or listen to the whole episode, you'll get a lot more detail!
There is no small group currently working on this task - but I encourage each of us to take on this task as preparation for our Easter celebrations.
Join a New Small Group Starting soon after Easter!
How about trying out a new group after Easter?
Here are some options to choose from:
* Monday-Friday 30-minute Meditation Time at 9 AM on Zoom
* Monday afternoon "Window to Eternity" book discussion group at 4 PM
* Wednesday afternoon "Spiritual Growth Group" at 4 PM
* Thursday afternoon "Grief Support Group" at 5 PM
* Thursday evening "Women's Group" at 6:30 PM
* A new Bible Study based on Jonathan Rose's "Spirit and Life Bible Study" to be led by Michael Brown - day and time to be determined.
Contact me for more information and details about whether the group is in-person, online (Zoom) or hybrid.
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations in Friendship Hall
Thank you so much to Mike Villeburn for overseeing the renovations being done in the kitchens and the men's bathroom closest to the entrance of Friendship Hall. New tile is being installed, damage to walls and cabinets is being repaired, cabinets are being cleaned, new shelves being put up. Thanks to Cheri Reynolds, there will also be two new dishwashers. Many items throughout the kitchens have been
reorganized into beautiful, functional order. The men's bathroom is also getting a makeover. There is so much going on, you'll want to see it to understand!
And thank you to Claudia Osmus for all the support she is giving Mike and for her skillful reorganization. Elise Gladish has also been a helper to Claudia during this transformation.
These renovations are being funded largely through money received from a foundation grant and from the Sunrise Chapel Women's Guild. I am so grateful for their generosity!
Drop by and see for yourself!
Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in the practice of cultivating spiritual growth and choosing heavenly joy
nathan@sunrisechapel.org Office 520-298-1245