I love the teachings of our church around being a good neighbor
Swedenborg draws from the Old and New Testaments in emphasizing the importance of internalizing goodness in our spiritual development. It's not simply a matter of doing good things - "good works" - in order to get into heaven. It's about getting goodness into our minds and hearts so we experience heaven from the inside out. Let's explore this together
this Sunday.
CHURCH IS OPEN! with appropriate precautions
I'm very happy to see more folks feeling comfortable to come back to in-person attendance. Many are saying they have had both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. Last Sunday, for Mothers' Day, we had 32 people in person at the Chapel. It's so good to see you!
Today, the CDC added a page of information about resuming activities after being "fully vaccinated." You can read it here.
It's up to each of us and our best judgment to decide when the time is right to return to in-person participation. I certainly welcome you if you feel comfortable! In the meantime, please continue to participate as much as possible either in-person or online!
Ethan and Jessica McCardell and their 5 kids have airline tickets to arrive in Tucson (from London) on Wednesday, June 30. If they have to self-isolate because of international travel, they won't be in church on July 4, but time will tell. We plan to have an installation service on Sunday July 11, and Elise and I currently plan to be part of that
If you want to reach out by email to the McCardells, here are their addresses:
Elise and I are still formulating plans about when we will leave for Philadelphia. It depends on a variety of things including the sale of our home here in Tucson. We will keep you informed! And please stay connected in this time of transition.
"UR" the heart of the chURch!
Thank you for reading, and thank you for your care and concern, and I hope to see you soon!
With love and respect and anticipation,
nathan@sunrisechapel.org 520-820-5148
One-day multi-family yard sale at Sunrise Chapel
Drop in to the yard sale tomorrow - Saturday May 15
Each seller will donate to Sunrise Chapel for the use of the tables and space. This is not the same as the traditional patio sales fundraisers that were hosted by the Women's Guild. Each seller is on her/his/their own.
One day only - Saturday, May 15 from 7 AM to 1 PM
Annual Meeting of Sunrise Chapel - next Sunday
This year's annual meeting - Sunday May 23 at 12:15 PM
I wholeheartedly welcome you to attend my final annual meeting as your pastor. Included on the agenda will be honoring members and friends who have recently transitioned to the fullness of spiritual life. Also, I will give a final pastor's report in preparation for the transition scheduled for July 11. We will also have a treasurer's report from Bill Smith and elections for officers and trustees of the
board. Thank you to our Chairman of the Board, Mike Villeburn for his work on the nominating committee.
If you want to become a full voting member, please contact me for details. If you want to become an associate member with advisory voting privilege, please contact me to sign that role book. You can also learn more about membership on our website.
This will be a hybrid meeting. You can attend in person or you can join online via the Zoom invitation below. We are legally allowed to have online participation thanks to the vote that we made in the special meeting last December that updated our By-laws.
Invitation to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: May 23, 2021 12:15 PM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting
Or click on this entire url: https://zoom.us/j/96829608625?pwd=Q0YyeXp1dmNHVFJ6ZFl6Y2FwYjBsdz09
Meeting ID: 968 2960 8625
Passcode: choosejoy
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 968 2960 8625
New weekly small group for "Window to Eternity"
Join a small hybrid group
This book is a popular overview of the teachings in Swedenborg's original work, Heaven and Hell.
When: starting this Monday, May 17 at 2:30 pm
Where: in person at the church and online through Zoom
Who's invited: anyone with questions about the afterlife from a Swedenborgian point of view
Books are now available for $8.00 each.
Meeting ID: 930 1941 3694
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,93019413694# US (San Jose)
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 930 1941 3694
Have you tried watching our livestream on our website?
Our website now has a feature so you can watch the service on the Worship > Livestream page. Just go to our site (sunrisechapel.org) and navigate to the Worship section and the Livestream page
Try it! And please let me know how it goes. If you like it, share it! If you see needs for corrections or additions, let me know!
Update on funding for a tiled bench honoring Frank and Louise Rose
Photo of "Betsy's bench".
Thank you for your donations! We are continuing to welcome contributions for a new tiled bench
NOTE: We are hoping to collect enough donations by next Friday, May 21 so that we can get this new bench made and installed in June.
We would like to install a new bench at Sunrise Chapel in honor of Frank and Louise Rose. The bench will be tiled at Santa Teresa Tile Works using unique tiles that will be chosen to illustrate some of the things that Frank and Louise love about Tucson, the church, and the nature around us.
Have you seen the beautiful tiled bench that was created by the Women’s Group of Sunrise Chapel in honor of Betsy Gladish? It was placed on the East side of the Chapel at the Labyrinth, which Betsy helped create.
The cost of the bench is about $800. When we have reached our goal, a few people will go to the Tile Works to help create the bench. We will let everyone know when it is finished and ready to be placed.
If you would like to contribute you can either write a check to Sunrise Chapel and earmark it for the “Rose Bench” and send it to Sunrise Chapel, or you can give cash or a check to me.
Deadline for contributions: Friday May 21, 2021
If you have any questions please contact me at 520-820-1284 or elisegladish@gmail.com
Thank you!! Elise Gladish
Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in the practice of cultivating spiritual growth and choosing heavenly joy
nathan@sunrisechapel.org Office 520-298-1245