Many have lately experienced a strong sense of being disconnected, not just from the world around, but from those they love. I have heard comments like, “I am so grateful for technology keeping me aware of the other people in my life” and “it isn’t the same as when I will once again be able to be full time surrounded by loved ones.”
Feelings of isolation like this are completely understandable, and yet…
‘No angel or spirit can possibly have any life unless they live in some community, and in so doing in a harmonious relationship of many people. A community is nothing else than the harmonious relationship of many - for one person's life in no sense exists in isolation from the life of others. Indeed no angel, spirit, or community can
possibly have any life, that is, be moved by good to will anything, or be moved by truth to think anything, if they are not joined to heaven and to the world of spirits through the many in their own community.
The same applies to the human race. No one whatever, no matter who, can possibly live or be moved by good to will anything, or be moved by truth to think anything, unless they have in like manner been joined to heaven through the angels residing with them, and to the world of spirits, or even to hell through the spirits residing with
For everyone during their lifetime is dwelling in some community of spirits or angels (although they are not conscious of doing so). And if they are not joined to heaven or the world of spirits by means of the community in which they live, they cannot go on living one moment longer.
It is like the parts of the human body. Any part of it which is not joined to the rest by means of fibres and vessels, and so by means of various functions, is not part of the body. It is instantly removed and expelled as that which has no life. The very communities in which and among which people have lived during their lifetime
are shown to them once they have entered the next life. When they enter such a community after the life of the body, they enter into the very life that had been theirs while in the body, and from that life they start a new one. (Emanuel Swedenborg, Secrets of Heaven 687)
It is a good time to remember that we are already part of a spiritual community, which not only regularly impacts the people and social settings that we naturally gravitate to and make part of our life here and now, but also impacts the community we ultimately choose to make our own to eternity.
In the story of the road to Emmaus, some folks dear to me were recently reflective at the thought that as soon as the disciples ‘knew’ the Lord in the breaking of bread, He vanished from their sight.
We cannot stay in an elevated spiritual state regularly during our life in the natural world, but if we have stayed strong in temptation and our focus is on the Lord, we do have times when our spiritual eyes and ears are open and sensitive to the reality of the life of our spirit and that the Lord is preparing a place for us in the
spiritual world. Having had that experience, we return to our daily lives, aware that He has not left us. His love is with us in the temptations yet to come and the truth of His Word shows us The Way to start a new life. A life filled with a peace and presence which can only come from God.
Love and Peace,