Published: Wed, 10/23/24
REMINDER: SRC BOARD MEETING (10/27/24) REMINDER: SRC BOARD MEETING (10/27/24) Just officially reminding folks that there will be a Sunrise Chapel…
Weekly update and special announcements from Sunrise Chapel
Published: Wed, 10/23/24
REMINDER: SRC BOARD MEETING (10/27/24) REMINDER: SRC BOARD MEETING (10/27/24) Just officially reminding folks that there will be a Sunrise Chapel…
Published: Sat, 10/12/24
ASGF JIM CLICK FUNDRAISER! (10/12/24) THIS YEAR'S JIM CLICK FUNDRAISER! 8421 E. Wrightstown Road Tucson AZ 85715 USAUnsubscribe | Change Subscriber…
Published: Sat, 10/12/24
Updated: Sat, 10/12/24
A Reflective Church. An Active Church (10/12/24) A Reflective Church. An Active Church (10/12/24) Come now and let us reason together, says the Lord.
Published: Sat, 10/05/24
Updated: Sat, 10/05/24
THIS YEAR'S JIM CLICK FUNDRAISER! (10/05/24) THIS YEAR'S JIM CLICK FUNDRAISER! 8421 E. Wrightstown Road Tucson AZ 85715 USAUnsubscribe | Change…
Published: Sat, 10/05/24
Updated: Sat, 10/05/24
Bread of Heaven (10/05/24) Bread of Heaven (10/05/24) When the famine came it was not only in Egypt. Soon there was no grain in Canaan. So Jacob sent…
Published: Sun, 09/29/24
Temporal and Eternal (09/29/24) Temporal and Eternal (09/29/24) In this article, entitled “The Temporal and the Eternal” my Grandfather (Rev. Fred…
Published: Tue, 09/17/24
SRC OPEN HOUSE (09/19/24) SRC OPEN HOUSE (09/19/24) There will be an Open House in the Chapel on Thursday (9/19/24) at 7pm. The congregation will…
Published: Wed, 09/11/24
Bible Study TOMORROW! (9/12/24), 6pm - ADDRESS BELOW Bible Study TOMORROW! (9/12/24), 6pm - ADDRESS BELOW Emilio and Lori Lopez have very graciously…
Published: Sat, 09/07/24
Confidence In the Lord (09/07/24) Confidence In the Lord (09/07/24) Confidence in the future is well illustrated in the biblical account of the…
Published: Thu, 09/05/24
Bible Study TONIGHT! (9/5/24), 6pm - ADDRESS BELOW Bible Study TONIGHT! (9/5/24), 6pm - ADDRESS BELOW Emilio and Lori Lopez have very graciously…