Stephen G. Gladish Joins Betsy (05/30/23)
Published: Tue, 05/30/23
Stephen G. Gladish Joins Betsy (05/30/23) Stephen G. Gladish Joins Betsy (05/30/23) Friends: Just a short note to let you know our dear friend,…
Weekly update and special announcements from Sunrise Chapel
Published: Tue, 05/30/23
Stephen G. Gladish Joins Betsy (05/30/23) Stephen G. Gladish Joins Betsy (05/30/23) Friends: Just a short note to let you know our dear friend,…
Published: Sun, 05/28/23
An Updated SRC Directory (05/27/23) An Updated SRC Directory (05/27/23) Friends, with thanks to Kris Bernardy - please find after church a newly…
Published: Sun, 05/28/23
Charity in the Common Soldier (05/27/23) Charity in the Common Soldier (05/27/23) Charity in the Common Soldier. If they look to the Lord and shun…
Published: Sat, 05/20/23
A Forgiving Heart (05/20/23) A Forgiving Heart (05/20/23) I have had reason in my personal life recently to reflect on the spiritual power of…
Published: Sat, 05/13/23
Carnations for Mother's Day (05/14/23) Carnations for Mother's Day (05/14/23) Our gratitude to Louise Rose for organizing carnations to be given in…
Published: Sat, 05/13/23
Celebrating Mothers (05/13/23) Celebrating Mothers (05/13/23) We thought the quote from the above graphic a fit summary for tomorrow's celebration…
Published: Sat, 05/13/23
Mother's Day Luncheon (05/14/23) Mother's Day Luncheon (05/14/23) Join us on Sunday at Sunrise Chapel for a fancy Mother's Day Luncheon (huge thanks…
Published: Sat, 05/06/23
Taking Our Vacations (05/06/23) Taking Our Vacations (05/06/23) Like many of you, this is the time of year in Tucson Arizona where I begin to long for…
Published: Sun, 04/30/23
The Miracle of Serving (04/30/23) The Miracle of Serving (04/30/23) We have been spending a lot of time in church lately on "centering ourselves" on…
Published: Sun, 04/23/23
A Step in the Right Direction (04/23/23) A Step in the Right Direction (04/23/23) Last week, we focused on the Lord teaching that no one "putting hand…