Sunrise Chapel

Weekly update and special announcements from Sunrise Chapel

"Ever Flowing On..." (05/25/24)

Published: Sat, 05/25/24

"Ever Flowing On..." (05/25/24) "Ever Flowing On..." (05/25/24) “You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters and yet others go ever…

Spiritual Summer (05/19/24)

Published: Sun, 05/19/24

Updated: Sun, 05/19/24

Spiritual Summer (05/19/24) Spiritual Summer (05/19/24) An idea concerning the good which is of charity, and concerning the truth which is of faith,…

On Conscience (05/04/24)

Published: Sat, 05/04/24

On Conscience (05/04/24) On Conscience (05/04/24) “Let e amples demonstrate what conscience is. If someone has in their possession another person's…

Joy Made Full! (04/28/24)

Published: Sun, 04/28/24

Joy Made Full! (04/28/24) Joy Made Full! (04/28/24) Shortly before He was taken captive by the officers of the chief priests and Pharisees to be…

The Lord is Alive Forever! (04/21/24)

Published: Sun, 04/21/24

The Lord is Alive Forever! (04/21/24) The Lord is Alive Forever! (04/21/24) Mary Magdalene was among the highest chosen of women. For she was the…

Morning Meeting (04/19/24))

Published: Fri, 04/19/24

Morning Meeting (04/19/24) Morning Meeting (04/19/24) Join us this morning for Rev. Dave Roth and Jane Enis presenting on the Church revitalization…

Breaking Bread (04/13/24)

Published: Sat, 04/13/24

Breaking Bread (04/13/24) Breaking Bread (04/13/24) If we ask which part of us would have seen the angels in the empty tomb, it would have been the…

Fishing (04/06/24)

Published: Sat, 04/06/24

Fishing (04/06/24) Fishing (04/06/24) According to the gospels, some of the Lord's disciples were fishermen by trade. In fact, when He called these…

Resurrection (03/30/24)

Published: Sat, 03/30/24

Resurrection (03/30/24) Resurrection (03/30/24) Risen One,come. meet me in the garden of my life.Lure me into elation.Revive my silent hope.Coa my…

Easter Dawn Service @SRC 7am

Published: Thu, 03/28/24

Easter Dawn Service @SRC 7am Your church home for partnering with the Lord and each other in helping people e perience heavenly joy through spiritual…

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